Linacre Truth

Revealing the truth about the corruption, abuse of students, discrimination, censorship, and criminal activity carried out by Linacre College, of the University of Oxford.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men and women to do nothing"

Margaret Jane Chanaa

PositionSenior Tutor
Office AddressJane Chanaa, Linacre College, St. Cross Road, Oxford OX1 3JA
Office Phone+44 (0) 1865 271666
Email Address[email protected]

Note: Changed her name to "Jane Hoverd" circa Jan-Feb 2018, probably as a result of this webpage. (See site stats for traffic information.)

Generally known for handling situations very poorly.

In one situation she harassed a student who was trying to withdraw from the university. He changed his address, and specifically asked not to be contacted by the college, and even went so far as to not inform the college of his new address.

However, Jane took it upon herself to use Google and other means to track down his home address, and subsequently send him letters from the college. In one situation she went to his home and hand-delivered the letter, which caused the student distress as he felt his privacy had been violated. Imagine if a male member of staff showed up at a female student's house, after she had asked several times not to be contacted.

Chanaa is not very intelligent, nor portrays much independent initiative. She depends heavily on Nick Brown's guidance for everything, he instructs her on what to say, what to do, and even how to reply to emails. Her primary role in the college is to relay Brown's messages, and to make police reports on behalf of the college, as part of their ongoing campaign of harassment against those who don't speak well of the college.

As an example of how your tuition and tax money is spent, take the following incident where she made a police report because she saw a former student's car parked near her home. Apparently this is what Linacre academics do in their free time; gossip about which student sent a selfie of a car and stalk students' cars. It should be noted that her home is located across the street from 2 popular pubs in the area, and there is no other substance to the report other than "I saw his car". Also note that she does not know how to spell "principal". Such is the writing aptitude of the Senior Tutor at Linacre College, University of Oxford.